Page:The physical training of children (IA

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Washing of an infant, remarks upon the, 19

Washing a new-born infant's head with brandy, 21

Washing a nursery floor, 136

Wasp, the sting of a, 268

Water, on the importance of good, 127

Water on the brain, 173

Water, cold and warm, for ablution, 107

Weather, on a child almost living in the air in fine, 153

Weather, on sending the young out in wet, 153

Wet flannel application, 255

White lily leaf for bruises, 257

Whom, and how, to nurse the young, 44

Whom to select as a nurse for feeble children, 47

Windows of a nursery should be large, 138

Windpipe, foreign substance in the, 273

Wine for children and youths, 130, 288

Winter clothing, the time to leave off, 116

Woolen garments, the use of, 113, 282