Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/109

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Now as Chriſtian went on his way, he came to a little aſcent, which was caſt up on purpoſe, that Pilgrims might fee before them: up there therefore Chriſtian went, and looking forward, he ſaw Faithful before him, upon his Journey. Then ſaid Chriſtian aloud, Ho, ho, So-ho; ſtay and I will be your Companion. At that Faithful looked behind him, to whom Chriſtian cried again, Stay, ſtay,till I come up to you: but Faithful anſwered, No, I am upon my life, and the Avenger of Blood is behind me. Chriſtian overtakes Faithful. At this Chriſtian was ſomwhat moved, and putting; to all his ſtrength, he quickly got up with Faithjul, and did alſo over-run him, ſo the laſt was firſt. Then did Chriſtian vain-gloriouſly ſmile, becauſe he had gotten the ſtart of his Brother: Chriſtians fall, makes faithhful and he go lovingly together but not taking good heed to his feet, he ſuddenly (tumbled and fell, and could not riſe untill Faithful came up to help him.

Then I ſaw in my Dream, they lovingly went very lovingly on together; and together had ſweet diſcourfe of all things that had happened to them in their Pilgrimage; and thus Chriſtian began.
