Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/112

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Faith. Oh, they ſay, Hang him, he is a Turn-Coat, he was not true to his profeſſion. I think God has ſtired up even his Enemies to hiſs at him, and make him a Proverb, Jer.29. 18, 19becauſe he hath forſaken the way.

Chr. Had you no talk with him before you came out?

Faith. I met him once in the Streets, but he leered away on the other ſide, as one aſhamed of what he had done; ſo I ſpake not to him.

The Dog and Sow Chr. Well, at my firſt ſetting out I had hopes of that Man; but now I fear he whiſperth in the overthrow of the City, for it is happened to him, according to the true Proverb, The Dog is turned to his Vomit again, and the Sow that was Waſhed to her wallowing in the mire.

Faith. They are my fears of him too: But who can hinder that which will be?

Well Neighbour Faithful, ſaid Chriſtian, let us leave him; and talk of things that more immediately concern our ſelves. Tell me now, what you have met with in the way as you came; for I know you have met with
