Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/123

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

O let the Pilgrims, let the Pilgrims then,
Be vigilant, and quit themſelves like men.

Chr. I am glad, my Brother, that thou didſt withſtand this Villain ſo bravely, for of all, as thou ſayſt, I think he has the wrong name: for he is ſo bold as to follow us in the Streets, and to attempt to put us to ſhame before all men; that is, to make us aſhamed of that which is good: but if he was not himſelf audacious, he would never attempt to do as he does, but let us ſtill reſiſt him: for notwithſtanding all his Bravadoes, he promoteth the Fool, and none elſe. The Wiſe mall Inherit Glory, ſaid Solomon, but ſhame ſhall be the promotion of Fools.Prov.3.35.

Faith. I think we muſt cry to him for help againſt ſhame, that would have us be valiant for the Truth upon the Earth.

Chr. You ſay true. But did you meet no body elſe in that Valley?

Faith. No, not I,for I had Sun-ſhine all the reſt of the way, through that, and alſo through the Valley of the ſhadow of death.
