Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/140

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

not by talk only, as an Hypocrite on Talkative Perſon may do: but by a practical Subjetlionin Faith, and Love, to the power of the word: And now Sir, as to this brief deſecription of the work of Grace, and alſo the diſcovery of it, if you have ought to object, object: if not, then give me leave to propound to you a ſecond queſtion.

Another good ſign of Grace Talk. Nay, my part is not now to good ſign object, but to hear, let me therefore have your ſecond queſtion.

Faith. It is this, Do you experience the firſt part of this deſecription of it? and doth your life and conversation teſtifie the ſame? or ſtandeth your Religion in Word or in Tongue, and not in Deed and Truth. pray, if you incline to anſwer me in this, ſay no more then you know the God above will ſay Amen to; and alſo, nothing but what your Conſcience can juſtifie you in. For, not he that commendeth himſelf is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth. Beſideſ, to ſay I am thus, when my Converſation, and all my Neighbours tell me, I lye, is great wickedneſs.

Talkative not pleaſed with Faithfuls queſtion. Talk. Then Talkative at fiſft began to bluſh, but recovering himſelf,
