Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/144

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Thus they went on talking of what they had ſeen by the way; and To made that way eaſie, which would otherwiſe, no doubts have been tedious to them: for now they went through a Wilderneſs.

Then I ſaw in my Dream, that when they were got out of the Wilderneſs, they preſently ſaw a Town before them, and the name of that Town is Vanity;Iſa 4o. 17
Ecll 1. chap 2. 11 17.
and at the Town there is a Fair kept, called Vanity-Fair: It is kept all the Year long, it beareth the name of Vanity-Fair, becauſe the Town where tis kept, is lighter then Vanity; and alſo, becauſe all that is there ſold, or that cometh thither, is Vanity. As is the ſaying of the wiſe, All that cometh is vanity.

This Fair is no new erected buſineſs, but a thing of Ancient ſtanding; I will ſhew you the original of it. The Antiquity of this fair Almoſt five thouſand years agone, there were Pilgrims walking to the Cceleſtial City, as theſe two honeſt perſons are; and Beelzebub, Apollyon, and Legion, with their Companions, perceiving by the path that the Pilgrims made, that their way to the City lay through this
