Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/173

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

ſilent, as miſtrufting that he had led him out of the way.Reaſoning between Chriſtian and Hopeful And now it began to rain, and thunder, and lighten between in a very dreadful manner, and the water roſe amain.

Then Hopeful groaned in himſelf, ſaying, Oh that I had kept on my way!

Chr. Who could have thought that this path ſhould have led us out of the way?

Hope. I was afraid on' t at very firſt and therefore gave you that gentle caution. I would have ſpoke plainer, but that you are older then I.

Christians repentance for leading his brother out of the way Chr. Good Brother be not offended, I am ſorry I have brought thee out of the way, and that I have put thee into ſuch eminent danger; pray my Brother forgive me, I did not do out of of an evil intent.

Hope. Be comforted my Brother for I forgive thee and believe too, that this ſhall be for our good.

Chr. I am glad I have with me a merciful Brother: But we muſt not ſtand thus, let's try to go back again.

Hope. But good Brother let me go before.

Chr. No, if you pleaſe, let me go firſt; that if there be any danger, I