Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/249

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs
through the Rivers, they Jſhall not overflow thee. Then they both took courage, and the enemy was after that as ſtill as a ſtone, untill they were gone over. Chriſtian therefore preſently found ground to ſtand upon; and ſo it followed that the reſt of the River was but mallow. Thus they got over. Now upon the bank of the River, on the other ſide, they ſaw the two mining men again, who there waited for them. Wherefore being come up out of the River, thy ſaluted them ſaying, The Angels do wait for them ſo ſoon as they are paſſed out of this world. We are miniſtring Sprits, ſfent forth to miniſter for thoſe that ſhall be Heirs of Salvation. Thus they went along towards the Gate, now you muſt note that the City flood upon a mighty hill, but the Pilgrims went up that hill world, with eaſe, becauſe they had theſe two men to lead them up by the Arms; They have put off mortality alſo they had left their Mortal Garments behind them in the River; for though they went in with them, they came out without them. They therefore went up here with much agility and ſpeed, though the foundation upon which the City was framed was higher then the Clouds.
