Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/26

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The Pilgrims Pꝛogreſs

contain, he brake out with a lamentable cry; ſaying, what ſhall I do?

I ſaw alſo that he looked this way, and that way, as if he would run; yet he ſtood ſtill, because as I perceived, he could not tell which way to go. I looked then, and saw a Man named Evangeliſt coming to him,and asked, Wherefore doſt thou cry? He answered, Sir, I perceive, by the Book in my hand, that I am Condemned to die, and * Heb. 9. 27. * after that to come to Judgement; and I find that I am not * * Job 26. 21. 22. willing to do the firſt, norEzek. 22, to do the ſecond.

Then ſaid Evangeliſt, Why not willing to die? ſince this life is attended with ſo many evils? The Man anſwered, Because I fear that this burden that is upon my back, will ſinck me lower then the Grave; and I ſhall fall into * Iſa. 30. 33. * Tophet. And Sir, if I be not fit to go to Priſon, I am not fit (I am sure) to go to Judgement, and from thence to Execution; And the thoughts of these things make me cry.

Then ſaid Evangeliſt, If this be thy condition, why ſtandest thou ſtill? He anſwered, Becauſe I know not
