Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/49

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Ch. Then I perceive, 'tis not beſt to covet things that are now; but to wait for things to come.

In. You ſay the Truth; r 2 Cor 4. 18 The firſt things are but Temporal.For the things that are not ſeen, are Temporal; but the things that are ſeen, are Eternal: But though this be ſo; yet ſince things preſent, and our fleſhly appetite, are ſuch near Neighbours one to another; and again, becauſe things to come, and carnal ſenſe, are ſuch ſtrangers one to another: therefore it is, that the firſt of theſe ſo ſuddenly fall into amity, and that diſtance is ſo continued between the ſecond.

Then I ſaw in my Dream, that the Interpreter took Chriſtian by the hand, and led him into a place, where was a Fire burning againſt a Wall, and one ſtanding by it always, caſting much Water upon it to quench it: Yet did the Fire burn higher and hotter.

Then ſaid Chriſtian, What means this?

The Interpreter anſwered, This fire is the work of Grace that is wrought in the heart; he that caſts Water upon it, to extinguiſh and put it out, is the Devil: but in that thou
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