Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/81

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

Then Prudence thought good to ask him a few queſtions, and deſired his anſwer to them.

Pru. Do you not think ſomtimes of the Countrey from whence you came?

Chr. Yes, d d Chriſtian thoughts of his Native Countery. Heb 11. 15, 16 but with much ſhame and deteſtation; Truly, if I had been mindful of that Countrey from whence came out, I might have had opportunity to have returned, but now I deſire a Countrey. a better Countrey, that is, an Heavenly.

Pru. Do you not yet bear away with you ſome of the things that then you were converſant withal?

Chr. Yes, but greatly againſt my will; e e Chriſtian diſtaſted with carnal cogitations. eſpecially my inward and carnal cogitations; with which all my Countrey-men, as well as my ſelf,were delighted; but now all thoſe things are my grief: and might I but chuſe mine own things, I would f f Chriſtians choice chuſe never to think of thoſe things more; but when I would be doing of that which is beſt, that which is worſt is with me.

Pru. Do you not find ſometimes, as if thoſe things were vanquiſhed, which at other times are your perplexity.

Chr. Yes, but that is but ſeldom;
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