Page:The pilgrims progress as originally published by John Bunyan ; being a facsimile of the first edition (1878).djvu/96

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The Pilgrim's Pꝛogreſs

with which he caught it, and ſo prevented the danger of that. Chriſtian wounded in his underſstand, faith and converſation. Then did Chriſtian draw, for he ſaw 'twas time to beſtir and Apollyon as faſt made at him, throwing Darts as thick as Hail; by the which, notwithſtanding all that Chriſtian could do to avoid it, Apollyon wounded him in his head, his hand and foot; this made Chriſtian give a little back: Apollyon therefore followed his work again, and Chriſtian again took courage, and refitted as manfully as he could. This fore Combat laſted for above half a day, even till Chriſtian was aim oft quite ſpent. For you muſt know that Chriſtian by reaſon of his wounds, muſt needs grow weaker and weaker.

Then Apollyon eſpying his opportunity, began to gather up cloſe to Chriſtian, and wreſtling with him, Apollyon caſteth down to the ground the Chriſstian. gave him a dreadful fall; and with down to that, Chriſtians Sword flew out of his hand. Then ſaid Apollion, I am ſure of thee now; and with that, he had almoſt preſt him to death, ſo that Chriſtian began to deſpair of life. But as God would have it while Apollyon was fetching of his laſt blow,
