Ubi Sunt Qui Ante Nos? 180.
Undiscovered Country, The, 465.
Various Poems, 393.
Vigil, A, 445.
Violet Eyes, 369.
Voice of the Western Wind, 362.
Waldstein, To Dr., on His Proposal to Excavate Herculaneum, 214.
Wanted—A Man, 12.
Wedding-Day, The, 385.
What the Winds Bring, 372.
Witchcraft, 124.
With a Sprig of Heather, 433.
Woods and Waters, 309.
World well Lost, The, 440.
Written at the Opening of a House-Book, 220.
W. S., To, 212.
W. W., 198.
Yale Ode for Commencement Day, 145.