Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/134

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Ring forth his curses, and the court cry out
" Anathema ! " and loud, and blent therewith,
Derisive laughter in the very hall,
And a wild voice that thrilled through flesh and heart :
" Once being mine, thou art forever mine! "
Half-mad he clasped both hands upon his brow,
Amidst the storm of voices, till they died,
And all was silence, save the reckless song
Of a young bird upon a twig without.
Then a defiant, ghastly face he raised,
And shrieked, " ’T is false! I am no longer thine! "
And through the windows open to the park,
Rushed forth, beyond the sight and sound of men.

By church nor palace paused he, till he passed
All squares and streets, and crossed the bridge of stone,
And stood alone amidst the broad expanse
Of the Campagna, twinkling in the heat.
He knelt upon a knoll of turf, and snapped
The cord that held the cross about his neck,
And far from him the leaden burden flung.
" O God ! I thank Thee, that my faith in Thee
Subsists at last, through all discouragements.
Between us must no type nor symbol stand,
No mediator, were he more divine
Than the incarnate Christ. All forms, all priests,