Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/176

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So royally endured, no human thrill
Awoke, in hearts drunk with the lust to kill?

Not brutes ! No tiger of the wilderness,
No jackal of the jungle, bears such brand
As man’s black heart, who shrinks not to confess
The desperate deed of his deliberate hand.
Our kind, our kin, have done this thing. We stand
Bowed earthward, red with shame, to see such wrong
Prorogue Love s cause and Truth’s God knows how long!


"I would not have," he said,
"Tears, nor the black pall, nor the wormy grave,
Grief s hideous panoply I would not have
Round me when I am dead.

" Music and flowers and light,
And choric dances to guitar and flute,
Be these around me when my lips are mute,
Mine eyes are sealed from sight.

" So let me lie one day,
One long, eternal day, in sunshine bathed,
In cerements of silken tissue swathed,
Smothered neath flowers of May.