Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/197

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She, dazzled by that shining world afar,
May not withdraw her gaze : breathless she waits.
Some promised joy from Heaven s very gates
Unto her soul seems proffered. When shall be
The bright fulfilment of that star’s decree ?

Nor glad nor sad is she: she doth not know
That through the city s throng one threads his way,
Thrilled likewise by that planet’s mystic glow,
And hastes to seek her. What sweet change shall sway
Her spirit at his coming ? What new ray
Upon his shadowy life from her shall fall?
The silent star burns on, and knoweth all.


TEN O CLOCK : the broken moon
Hangs not yet a half hour high,
Yellow as a shield of brass,
In the dewy air of June,
Poised between the vaulted sky
And the ocean s liquid glass.

Earth lies in the shadow still;
Low black bushes, trees, and lawn
Night s ambrosial dews absorb;