Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/224

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Shot with faint colors by the moon-rays kissed,
Floating snow-soft, snow-white, where these had been.
Already, look! the wave-washed sands are bare,
And mocking laughter ripples through the air.


Divided twixt the dream-world and the real,
We heard the waxing passion of the song
Soar as to scale the heavens on pinions strong.
Amidst the long-reverberant thunder-peal,
Against the rain-blurred square of light, the head
Of the pale poet at the lyric keys
Stood boldly cut, absorbed in reveries,
While over it keen-bladed lightnings played.
" Rage on, wild storm ! " the music seemed to sing:
"Not all the thunders of thy wrath can move
The soul that s dedicate to worshipping
Eternal Beauty, everlasting Love."
No more ! the song was ended, and behold,
A rainbow trembling on a sky of gold!