Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/294

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You may command my hours and all that’s mine.
DON JOHN (rising).
Thanks, generous master. When may I return
For the first sitting?


I am ready now
To-day, to-morrow when your Highness please.


T would be abuse of goodness to accept
The present moment. I will come to-morrow,
At the same hour, in some more fitting garb.
Your hand, sir, and farewell. Salute for me,
I pray you, the signora. May I not hope
To see and thank her for her grace to me,
In so adorning my poor feast ?


The debt is ours.
She may be here to-morrow she is free,
She only, while I work, to come and go.
Pray, sir, allow her she is never crossed.
I stoop to beg for her she is the last
Who bides with me I crave your pardon, sir ;
What should this be to you ?