Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/307

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The worship of my life
"Will be slight payment for your boundless trust.
Look we nor forth nor back, are we not happy?
Heaven smiles above our heads with all her stars.
The envious day forced us apart, the wing
Of obscure night protects and shelters us.
Now like a pure, night-blooming flower, puts forth
The perfect blossom of our love. Oh, lean
Thy royal head upon my breast; assure me
That this unheard-of bliss is no fond dream.
Cling to me, darling, till thy love’s dear burden
Take root about my heart-strings.

MARIA (after a pause}.

Did you not hear
A sound, a cry ? Oh, God ! was it my father?


Naught save the beating of our hearts I heard.
Be calm, my love; the very air is hushed.
Listen, the tinkle of the fountain yonder,
The sleepy stir of leaves, the querulous pipe
Of some far bird no more.


I heard, I heard!
A rude voice- called me. Wherefore did it come