Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/320

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Vacant and still, save for the swaying branches
Of bush and tree. Tis a wild, threatening night.
A sultry breeze is blowing, and the sky
Hangs black above Vesuvius. Yonder cloud
Hath lightnings in it. Ah, a blinding bolt
Dims the volcano s pillared fire. Enough.
[He closes the casement and returns to MARIA.
Hark, how the thunder rolls ! My child, you tremble
Like the blown leaves without.


I am oppressed
By the same stormy influence. Thou knowest
I dread the thunder.


Thou, who art safely housed,
Why shouldst thou dread it? Try to sleep, my darling;
Forget the terror of the tempest; morn
Will break again in sunshine.


Father, say
You love me and you trust me once again,
Before I bid good-night.