Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/330

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From cave to roof in Naples. Search all streets.
Arrest whomso ye meet. Let no sail stir
From out the harbor. Ring the alarum! Quick!
This is a general woe.
[Exeunt LUCA and FIAMETTA.

The Duke s my friend ;
He 11 further me. The Prince oh, hideous fear!
No, no, I will not dream it. Mine enemies Have done this thing; the avengers of that beggar
Domenichino they have struck home at last.
How was it that I heard no sound, no cry,
Throughout the night ? The heavens themselves conspired
Against me the hoarse thunder drowned her shrieks !
Oh, agony !

[He buries his face in his hands. Enter ANNICCA; she throws herself speechless and weeping upon his neck.

Thou knowest it, Annicca !
The thief has entered in the night she s gone.
I stand and weep ; I stir not hand or foot.
Is not the household roused ? Do they not seek her?
I am helpless, weak ; an old man overnight.
The brigands work was easy. I heard naught.
But surely, surely, had they murdered her,
I had heard that that would have wakened me
From out my grave.