Page:The poems of Emma Lazarus volume 1.djvu/346

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Cuts like a knife. When I essay to think
Of what hath passed to-day, my sick brain reels.
The letter I remember, but all since
Floats in a mist of horror, and I grasp
No actual form. Did I not wander forth ?
A mob surrounded me. All Naples knew
My downfall, and the street was paved with eyes
That stared into my soul. Then friendly hands
Guided me hither. When I woke, I felt
As though a stone had rolled from off my brain.
But still this nightmare bides the truth. I know
They watch me, they suspect me. I will wait
Till the whole household sleep, and then steal forth,
Nor unavenged return.



A Eoom in DON TOMMASO S House. ANNICCA discovered, attired in mourning. Enter DON TOMMASO.


If he still live, now shall we hear of him.
The news I learn will lure him from his covert,
Where er it lie, to pardon or avenge.

ANNICCA (eagerly}.

What news ? What cheer, Tommaso ?