Page:The poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus - Francis Warre Cornish.djvu/168

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C. Valerius Catullus

23. Or (mi anime) 'my dear.'

26. Sarapim G, Serapini O, Serapim R.M.

32. The reading is doubtful, pararim is ungrammatical; paratis (= si parassem) harsh.

xi 11. Or (horribilem salum ult. Brit. M) 'the dangerous sea and distant Britons.' This reading is supported by R. horribiles ult.; horribilē salū ult. would easily become horribiles ult.

xii 9. disertus leporum is classed by Roby, L. Gr. (1320) and Madvig (290 g) with ingens virium, aevi maturus, vetus militiae, 'in respect of: there is no need for emendation.

14. exhibere codd. If ex Hibere is read it will be 'from the Ebro country.'

xiv 14. Or (continuo adj.) 'the very next day'; as Ov. Fast, v 734, vi 720. Or 'on that very day.'

xvii 15, 16. Or et might be taken as = sed, 'now a maiden... ought to be guarded,' &c. et—uvis being parenthetical.

20. Or 'she' (nulla).

xxii 5. palimpsesto codd., 'can hardly be Latin' M.; but referre in palimpseston, tabulas, &c., the usual term, does not necessarily exclude in palimpsesto relata, the finished act. Cf. xxviii 6–8. Perhaps in palimpsestos B.P.

11. abhorret = absurdus est M., 'unlike himself' E.

13. tristius of codd. is corrupt. I have translated tritius. Other emendations (none satisfactory) are tersius [tertius], scitius.

xxv 5. locus desperatus. The emendations proposed are no more than ingenious guesses. What is wanted is not a new idea (as munerarios, vicarios, balnearios), but something to carry out the idea of a storm at sea. Mr Mowat (J. of Philol. xiv 252) suggests cum diva mater ( Tethys) horias ostendit aestuantes. I suspect that trabes (cf. iv 3), is hidden in aries and that oscitantes means 'gaping.'

xxxvii 4. See M. ebriose of codd. may be for ebriosae,