Page:The poems of Richard Watson Gilder, Gilder, 1908.djvu/490

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"Back from the darkness to the light again!" 94.
Back to my body came I in the gray of the dawning, 266.
Back to the old place I've come home again, 412.
Battling, through trackless lands, 'gainst savage foes, 341.
Because Heaven's cost is Hell, and perfect joy, 52.
Because the rose must fade, 231.
Before the listening world behold him stand, 33.
Behold our first great warrior of the sea, 391.
Behold these maidens in a row, 156.
Beneath a stone wrenched from Egyptian sands, 421.
Beneath the deep and solemn midnight sky, 63.
Beyond all beauty is the unknown grace, 78.
Beyond the branches of the pine, 64.
Brother of sorrow and mortality! 69.
But, friend of mine,—and his,—I am afraid! 308.
But then the sunset smiled, 90.
But yesterday a world of haze, 327.
By this road have past, 258.
By this stairway narrow, steep, 212.

Call him not blind, 278.
Call me not dead when I, indeed, have gone, 66.
Came to a master of song, 225.
Cast into the pit, 175.
Caught in the golden net of the poet's song, 444.
Chide not the poet that he strives for beauty, 377.
Come, soldiers, arouse ye! 116.
Come, Spirit of Song! true, faithful friend of mine! 112.
Come to me ye who suffer, for to all, 8.
Comrades, the circle narrows, heads grow white, 193.

Dark Southern girl! the dream-like day is past, 347.
Dear bard and prophet, that thy rest is deep, 392.
Dear friend, who lovedst well this pleasant life! 67.
Dear heart, I would that after many days, 35.
Death is a sorry plight, 224.
Deep in the ocean of night, 148.
Despise not thou thy father's ancient creed, 54.
"Do you love me?" Elsie asked, 222.
Done is the day of care, 217.
Down in the meadow and up on the hight, 221.

Each moment holy is, for out from God, 66.
Each New Year is a leaf of our love's rose, 228.
Each of us answers to a call, 125.
Each picture was a painted memory, 260.
Edmund, in this book you'll find, 138.
Enchanted city, O farewell, farewell! 348.
Enraptured memory, and all ye powers of being, 202.
Erewhile I sang the praise of them whose lustrous names, 161.