Page:The poems of Richard Watson Gilder, Gilder, 1908.djvu/502

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"Beyond all beauty is the unknown grace," 78.
"Beyond the branches of the pine," 64.
Birds of Bethlehem, The, 243.
Birds of Westland, The, 458.
Birthday Song, A, 24.
Blame, 401.
Blameless Knight, The, 302.
Blind Poet, A, 278.
Body and Soul, 15.
Bread upon the Waters, 335.
Brothers, 155.
Builders of the State, 342.
Building of the Chimney, The, 82.

C. H. Russell, To, 349.
"Call me not dead," 66.
Call to the Mountains, A, 325.
Calvé, 451.
"Came to a master of song," 225.
Carl Schurz, 392.
Celestial Passion, The, 39.
'Cello, The, 257.
Charleston, 167.
Charleston, Farewell to, 348.
Child, A, 218.
Child-Garden, The, 216.
Christ, The Anger of, 242.
Christ-Child, The, 217.
Christmas Hymn, A, 49.
Christmas Tree in the Nursery, The, 126.
City, The, 112, 220.
City Club, For the, 349.
City of Light, The, 311.
Cleveland, Grover. See The President, Failure and Success, The Birds of Westland.
"Come to me ye who suffer," 8.
Comfort of the Trees, The, 310.
Compensation, 379.
Condemned, The, 173.
Congress: 1878, 111.
Conquered, 401.
Contrasts, 148.
Cost, 52.
Cradle Song, 93.
Credo, 180.
Crowned Absurdities, 421.

Dancers, The, 156.
Dark Room, The, 88.
Day in Tuscany, A, 295.
"Day unto day uttereth speech," 61.