Page:The poems of Richard Watson Gilder, Gilder, 1908.djvu/507

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Letter from the Farm, A., 288.
Life, 68.
"Life is the cost," 171.
"Life is the hammer," 344.
Life-Mask of Abraham Lincoln, On the, 117.
"Light lies on the farther hills, The," 327.
"Like the bright picture," 254.
Likeness in Unlikeness, 30.
Lincoln, Abraham. See On the Life-Mask of, To the Spirt of, The Great Remembrance, Under the Stars, etc.
Lion of Tyringham, The, 437.
Listening to Music, 19.
Lonesome Wild, The, 452.
Longfellow's "Book of Sonnets," 140.
Lost, 336.
"Lost Leaders," 397.
Love and Death, 62.
Love, Art, and Time, 156.
Love grown Bold, 6.
"Love is not bond to any man," 37.
"Love me not, Love, for that I first loved thee," 14.
Lover's Lord and Master, The, 23.
Love's Cruelty, 11.
Love's Jealousy, 16.
Love's Monotone, 17.
Lowell, 205.
Luther's Grave, At, 298.
Lyric Lives, 453.
Lyrics, 71.

MacDowell, 388.
Madonna of Fra Lippo Lippi, 52.
Marble Pool, The, 432.
Master-Poets, The, 49.
Memorial Day, 114.
Memory, 306.
Memory of Rubinstein, A, 210.
Meridian, 227.
Michael Angelo's Aurora, 297.
Michael Angelo's Slave, 145.
Midsummer Meditation, A, 174.
Midsummer Song, A, 76.
Mirror, The, 30.
Modern Rhymer, The, 141.
Modjeska, 120.
Monument by Saint-Gaudens, A, 209.
Moonlight, 146.
Morning, Noon, and Night, 60.
Mors Triumphalis, 45.
Mother and Child, 330.
"Mother of heroes," 331.