Page:The poems of Robert W. Sterling, 1916.djvu/46

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In Hendecasyllables

Untaught wisdom! (in all the fields of Eden
No more lovely an emblem of Creation!)
Your souls, dying, appear to sigh the knowledge,
Heav'n-born, forth to the hearts of all around you,
Breathing sympathy, calmness, and achievement.
Queens, farewell! In an age when 'all the laughter 's
With pain fraught', when a wrinkled, angry brow shows
Discontent ev'rywhere among my fellows,
Sure 'tis good to devote a fleeting half-hour,
O'er you musing upon the joys eternal . . .
And I hope in an after age to see you
Still more joyfully grace the Heav'nly Gardens!

June, 1911.