Page:The poetical works of Matthew Arnold, 1897.djvu/535

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Note 9, Page 174.

Recalls the obscure opposer he outweighed.

Gilbert de la Porrée, at the Council of Rheims in 1148.

Note 10, Page 175.

Of that unpitying Phrygian sect which cried.

The Montanists.

Note 11, Page 176.


See St. Augustine's "Confessions," book ix. chapter 11.

Note 12, Page 177.

My Marguerite smiles upon the strand.

See, among "Early Poems," the poem called "A Memory-Picture," p. 23.

Note 13, Page 201.

The Hunter of the Tanagræan Field.

Orion, the Wild Huntsman of Greek legend, and in this capacity appearing in both earth and sky.

Note 14, Page 202.

O'er the sun-reddened western straits.

Erytheia, the legendary region around the Pillars of Hercules, probably took its name from the redness of the west, under which the Greeks saw it.

Note 15, Page 224.

Of the sun-loving gentian, in the heat.

The gentiana lutea.

Note 16, Page 248.

Ye Sun-born Virgins! on the road of truth.

See the Fragments of Parmenides:—

...κοῦραι δ' ὁδὸν ἡγεμόνευον,
ἡλίαδες κοῦραι, προλιποῦσαι δώματα νυκτός,
εἰς φάος............