Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/184

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Rossetti MS.
p. 11.  Sketch.
p. 12.  I saw a Monk of Charlemaine. [MS. Book xlii.]
Morning : To find the Western path. [MS. Book xliii.]
Terror in the house does roar. [MS. Book xliv.]
Each man is in his spectre's power. [Jerusalem.]
p. 13.  Sketch (sepia).
p. 14. Three Virgins at the Break of day. [Pickering MS. The Golden Net.]
The Birds. [MS. Book xlv.]
p. 15. Sketch.— For Gates Of Paradise.
Sketch. — ? Lucifer discovering Judas. (Inferno, Canto xxxiv.) [See WMR (b)].
p. 16. Sketch. — (The same.)
p. 17. Sketch. — (The same.)
Sketch.— [See WMR (f1.)]
Note. — I wonder who can say 'speak no ill of the dead' etc.
Note. — Columbus discovered America etc.
p. 18. Prose. — There is not because there cannot be any difference . . . should consider the following. [Advt.]
Note. — Princes appear to me to be fools etc.
p. 19. Sketch. — For Gates of Paradise.
Prose. — Rubens' Luxembourg gallery is confessed ... as guilty of mental high treason. [Advt.]
Prose. — Who that has eyes ... Oh rare wisdom. [Advt.]
p. 20. Prose. — The wretched state of the arts in this country ... I demand therefore of the Amateurs of [Advt.]
p. 21. Sketch.— For Songs of Experience— 'The Sick Rose.' [See WMR (g)].
No real style of colouring ever appears. [MS. Book xlvi.]
You don't believe, I won't attempt to make ye. [MS. Book xlvii.]
Prose. — Art the encouragement which is my due . . . nothing can hinder my course. [Advt.]
And in melodious accents L [MS. Book xlviii.]
You don't believe continued. [MS. Book xlvii.]
p. 22.  And his legs cover'd it like a long fork. [MS. Book xlix.]
p. 23.  Sketch.— [See WMR (h).]
Prose. — The painters of England are unimployed . . . storehouse of intellectual riches. [Advt.]
Was I angry with Hayley who used me so ill. [MS. Book 1.]
Anger & Wrath my bosom rend. [MS. Book li.]
p. 24.  The Sussex Men are Noted Fools. [MS. Book lii.]
Prose. — (continued from p. 25) ... as a public duty. William Blake. [Advt.]
p. 25.  Sketch. — For Gates of Paradise.
Madman I have been called. Fool they call thee. [MS. Book liii.]
To H——: You think Fuseli is not a Great Painter. I'm glad. [MS. Book liv.]
Prose. — In a commercial nation ... in the journeyman's labour. [Advt.]
Prose. — P.S. I do not believe . . . (continued on p. 24) [Advt.]
p. 26.  To F——: I mock thee not, though I by thee am Mocked. [MS. Book lv.]