Page:The poetical works of William Blake; a new and verbatim text from the manuscript engraved and letterpress originals (1905).djvu/252

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Rossetti MS.


1 I am no Homer's Hero you all know ;
I profess not Generosity to a Foe.
My Generosity is to my Friends,
That for their Friendship I may make amends.
5 The Generous to Enemies promotes their Ends,
And becomes the Enemy & Betrayer of his Friends.

MS. Book, p. 31. Only in EY i. 215.
6 And . . . Friends] Cp. ' Everlasting Gospel,' 7 γ2, 1. 25 : ' He who loves his
enemies betrays his friends.'


The Angel that presided o'er my birth
Said 'Little creature, form'd of Joy and Mirth,
Go, love without the help of anything on Earth.'

MS. Book, p. 32. Gil. i. 311, WMR (< Coupl.' xiv), EY i. 215, WBY
1 that] who Gil. o'er] at Gil, WBY. 2 form'd . . . Mirth] thou
art form'd for mirth MS. Book 1st rdg. del. of] for EY. 3 love] live WMR.


Florentine Ingratitude

1 Sir Joshua sent his own Portrait to
The birth Place of Michael Angelo,
And in the hand of the simpering fool
He put a dirty paper scroll,
5 And on the paper, to be polite,
Did 'Sketches by Michael Angelo' write.

MS. Book, p. 32. Title an addition. Only in EY i. 215. This and the
other epigrams on Sir Joshua Reynolds were probably written about the
same time as the marginal notes in his copy of Sir Joshua's Discourses,
now in the Brit. Mus. In 1776 Reynolds was elected a member of the
Florentine Academy, and in accordance with their rule, sent his portrait
painted by himself.