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7 Bedford Street, Strand, London, December 1892. Selections from MR. EDWARD ARNOLD'S LIST. PROFESSOR LLOYD MORGAN'8 WORKS. Animal Life and Intelligence. By t C. Lloyd Morgan, F.G.S., Principal of University College, Bristol. With 40 Illustrations and'a photo-etched Frontispiece. Second Edition. 512 pp., demy 8vo, cloth, 16s. ' Whether we look to the first half of the treatise, which is concerned with animal life, or to the second half, which is devoted to a consideration of animal intelligence, we must equally congratulate the author on the character of his achievement. ... In short, * Animal Life and Intelligence' deserves to be regarded as a noticeable book, because it sets forth the reasoned conclusions of a well-instructed and a thoroughly impartial thinker upon the topics which are now of highest moment to the sciences, both of life and of mind.'— Professor G. J. Romanes, in Nineteenth Century Review. 1 The work will prove a boon to all who desire to gain a general knowledge of the more interesting problems of modern biology and psychology by the perusal of a single compact, luminous, and very readable volume.'— Professor A. R. wallack, in Nature. Animal Sketches. A Popular Book of Natural History. By Professor C. Lloyd Morgan, F.G.S., Principal of University College, Bristol. With nearly 60 Illustrations by W. Monkhouse Bows. Large crown 8vo, cloth, 7s. 6d. ' One of the most simply delightful books about Natural History that has come under our notice since the days of Frank Buckland, whose mantle, indeed, the present author appears to have inherited. Like Buckland. Professor Morgan writes at first hand. The result is a charming volume full of bright and lively anecdotes about an manner of animals, as fresh and simple as if they were being told to a circle of eager listeners, and with just a slight tincture of science in occasionally explaining interest- ing peculiarities or differences of structure. ... It is rendered soil more aUiactl »» by a profusion of most excellent and spirited illustrations by Mr. Howe, as perfectly true to nature as they are thoroughly artistic.' — The Guardian. ' A charming book about animals.'— Saturday Review. The Springs of Conduct New and Cheaper Edition, large crown 8vo, cloth, 3s. 6d. LONDON: EDWARD ARNOLD, 37 BEDFORD STREET, W.C. PUBLI8HER TO THE INDIA OFFICE. Digitized by Google