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SELECTIONS FROM MR. EDWARD ARNOLD'S LIST. ORIENTAL LITERATURE. OMARAH'S HISTORY OF YAMAN. The Arabic Text, Edited, with a Translation, Br HENRY CASSELS KAY, Member of the Royal Asiatic Society. Demy 8vo, cloth, 17s. 6d. nett. ' Mr. Kay is to be heartily congratulated on the completion of a work of true scholarship and indubitable worth.— Athenaeum. ' We have no hesitation in saying that Mr. Kay's book on Mediaeval Arabia stands clearly in the front rank of Oriental historical scholarship. As a learned commentary on an obscure and difficult text, it is a monument of industry and thoroughness. The notes throw a flood of light upon one of the least known periods of Mohammedan history. ' — Saturday Review. Harvard Oriental Series. Edited, with the co-operation of various scholars, by Charles R. Lanman, Professor of Sanskrit in Harvard University. Vol. I. The Jataka-Mili ; or Bodhisattva Vadana-mila. By Arta-cura. Edited by Dr. Hendrik Kern, Professor in the University of Leyden. Royal 8vo. Cloth xii+254 pages. 6s. nett. This is the editio princeps of a collection of Buddhist stories in Sanskrit. The text is printed in Deva-nagarl characters. Vol. II. Kapila'i Aphorlnni of the Samkhya Philosophy, with the commentary of Vijnana-bhiksu. Edited in the original Sanskrit by Richard Garbe, Professor in the University of Eonigsberg. [In the press. Lanman'S Sanskrit Reader. New Edition, with Vocabulary and Notes. By Chables Rockwell Lanman, Professor of Sanskrit in Harvard College. For use in colleges and for private study. xxiv+405 pages. Royal 8vo. Cloth. 10s. 6d. For the convenience of those who possess the old edition, the Notes are also issued separately. 5s. Classical Review.— The publication of the long-expected Notes to Professor Lan- man's * Sanskrit Reader ' completes a work for which every beginner of Sanskrit, and not less every teacher of it, in America and England must be thankful. ... In fact these introductions, with their full bibliography, are among the very best things ever done in this field, and must prove welcome to advanced scholars as well as to beginners.' Publications of the India Office and of the Government OF INDIA. Mr. Edward Arnold having been appointed pub- lisher to the Secretary of State for India in Council, has now on sale the above publications at 37 Bedford Street, Strand, and is prepared to supply full information concerning them on application. Indian Government Maps. Any of the Maps in this magnificent series can now be obtained at the shortest notice from Mr. Edward Arnold, Publisher to the India Office. INDIAN GOVERNMENT PUBLICATIONS. New "Work on the Surveys of India. A Memoir on the Indian Surveys, 1875-1890. By C. E. Black. The work is designed as a continuation of Mr. Markham's work on the same subject. Imperial 8vo, with Coloured Frontispiece and Map. 7s. 6d. Scientific Results of the Second Yarkand Mission. The two concluding parts of this work are now ready, viz., A Monograph on the Birds. By Dr. R. Bowdler Sharpb. 20s. And, A General Introduction. By A. 0. Hume, C.B. Is. 6d. LONDON: EDWARD ARNOLD, 37 BEDFORD STREET, W.C. PUBLISHER TO THE INDIA OFFICE. Digitized by Google