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"He was a gash an faithful tyke,
As ever lap a sleugh or dyke,
His honest, sonsie, baws'nt face,
Ay gat him friends in ilka place."


WE have already mentioned Scotland's terriers, the tale of which, however, is incomplete without some references to the wiry coated white tyke, the West Highland White terrier, whose winning ways have got him friends in every place. Though little known south of the Tay until quite recent years, he is now highly favoured of fortune, few varieties of terriers enjoying a more genuine popularity. In his native country, the wild land of Skye and the western parts of Inverness-shire, he has proved his worth for generations, none coming to us with sounder credentials. Foxes, badgers, otters are his sworn foes against whom he has waged unceasing warfare, just as his Scottish terrier cousin has done. Mrs. Cameron Head has well explained his vocation: "In the old days, before deer forests extended over such a large area in the Highlands, and the land was principally under sheep, fox hunters