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to put ideas in the heads of pretty young parlor-maids, and Grandmamma has found occasion to tell Miss Jane privately more than once that she has quite sufficient of Those already.

"We'll send out invitations for anywhere you like, old girl, and we'll get old Minnie Wingrove to collect all the brightest people in London; and the papers will make such a fuss that we shan't half wipe the eye of Grosvenor Square, shall we?"

"Naughty Phil-ipp. You mustn't never wipe the eye of no one."

Still, she had rather forgotten, hadn't she, young ladies of Newnham and Girton, that Mr. Philip was not yet an archangel in a large way of trade, although apparently that was her ambition for him. But you won't think any the worse of her, will you? It's all in the game, my dears, and a very nice game, too, if you play it slowly.

How long would it take her to get her trousseau?

No, you young bachelors of Cam and Isis, that was not a clever question. But one must expect this sort of thing of an amateur now and then. Philip, young friend, your inquiry should have been differently expressed.

And what was Mary's answer to the foolish question? Why, just what yours would have been, young ladies.