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  • date for South-West Blackhampton, you would have no

objection to signing a—er—" Sir Joseph paused while he took a type-written document from his pocket-*book and adjusted his pince-nez—"a football league form for the Blackhampton Rovers?"

Mr. Shelmerdine was quite prepared to do that.

"And of playing for them occasionally, I presume, if your services were called upon?"

Mr. Shelmerdine had no objection to doing that, either, although he was rather short of practice these days.

"I am informed, Mr. Shelmerdine, that you kicked three goals against Scotland in an International match."

With excellent modesty the young man admitted this impeachment.

"Well, I think I am entitled to say, Mr. Shelmerdine," said Sir Joseph, who was himself a pretty shrewd Lancastrian, "if you can kick three goals against Liverpool or Manchester City in an important League match, you are very likely to be returned at the top of the poll."

Very simply and seriously, and quite sincerely, Mr. Shelmerdine promised to do his best in this matter, and that when the time came, if South-West Blackhampton did him the honor of adopting him as their candidate, he would go into strict training for the purpose.