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"He married contrary to the wishes of his parents," said Mother, preening her plumage at the hostess in a way which said quite clearly that she would thank her to be careful, as the ground was rather delicate. "Old-fashioned ideas, perhaps, but such marriages can only end in a general weakening of responsibility."

"I am out of my depth," said the plaintive Mr. Vandeleur. "But the position as I envisage it, is this: Your son's wife, out of favor at Court, plots against the dynasty. The dynasty trembles—"

"I beg your pardon, Mr. Vandeleur, it does nothing of the kind," said a very significant factor in the dynasty.

"Metaphorically, of course, Lady Shelmerdine. I speak in metaphor. The dynasty trembles because a bombshell has been thrown in the country—nothing less than a bombshell, as I unhesitatingly affirm—and to avert ruin one course only appears to be open to it."

"What is that course, Mr. Vandeleur?" said Lady Shelmerdine.

"To compose this internecine quarrel, and avert a further sanguinary conflict," said Mr. Vandeleur.

A great man had spoken. Consols— fell habitually at his Obiter Dicta. French Rentes and Russia Fours lost a whole point when he tore up his card in a medal