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emerge as a full-blown Wagger after a period of grace in which to atone for his naughtiness.

Father and Mother drove home in the electric brougham pondering deeply the wisdom of the sage. It would mean a considerable sacrifice of personal dignity thus to bargain with Her. They were a little surprised and even a little grieved, perhaps, that the Great Man had shown so scant a consideration for their domestic feelings; but then it was a familiar trait of his that he was ever ready to sacrifice the individual upon the altar of Party.

It looked like Humble Pie, and patrician stomachs are not very fond of that dish. But there did not seem to be any way out of it. The ukase had gone forth from the Chief that this wicked and immoral candidature must not proceed. It was bound to create a most unfortunate impression in the country. It only remained for them, in the opinion of that wise and far-seeing statesman, to swallow the bitter portion and make peace on honorable terms.

"One thing, Agatha, we may congratulate ourselves upon, at any rate," said the Proconsul. "Vandeleur took it much better than we had reason to expect."

"That is very well, Wally. But don't let us congratulate ourselves too soon. It may not be so easy to get him to withdraw as Mr. Vandeleur supposes."

"But if we offer a clean slate?" said the Proconsul.