Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 15.djvu/215

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Zamora, Salamanca, cuidar para socorrer a la parte dentro Doro y Minno. Y las de Estremadura y Seuilla para socorrer esta Ciudad de Lisbona, y su Comarca.

Que se auituallen los castillos desta ciudad, ribera, y comarca, y prouean de poluere, cuerda, y plomo, y lo demas tocante el artilleria, como lo he pedido en las relaciones, que he embiado a su Magestad en 7 de março deste anno 1585. Que se prouean las galeras por quatro meses: y vengan otras sys de Espanna, a este Rio con 120 soldados por galera, para que los pueden repartir, en las ocho que estan aca. Y en caso que esto se ay, que la armada Inglesa no passe a las Indias, y se occupen en lo deste Reyno, porque haure nauios de Ingleses, que acuden a lo vno y a lo otro, sera forçoso hazer otra armada para lo de las Indias, de doze naos, quatro patajes, y mil y quinjentos soldados.

Todo esto, me paresce, conuiene al sornicio de su Maiestad, se preuenga y apercibiese con mucha diligencia y cuidado, proueiendo del dinero necessario para ello, sin que se aguarde lo vno a lo otro, sino que todo se haga sin deserirlo: Remitiendo me en todo a mejor parescer. Hecha en Lisboa a 26 de Otubre de 1585. Annos.

The opinion of Don Aluaro Baçan, Marques of Santa Cruz, and high Admiral of Spaine, touching the armie of sir Francis Drake lying at the Isles of Bayona in Galicia, written in Lisbon the 26 of October after the account of Spaine in the yere 1585.

That which it seemeth vnto me, that the English army may doe if they seeke to passe vnto the West Indies, and enter into the South sea (as Francis Drake hath done once before) with their thirty ships and galeons, and many pinnesses and shalops with oares, which they haue with them, and 5000 men of warre, which they of Bayono thinke to be in the fleete, is as followeth.

The damage which may be done by passing by the riuer of Ienro into the South sea. They may take their course to the riuer of Ienero, which is on the coast of Brasil in 23 degrees to the south of the Equinoctial line. It has an hauen capable of many ships and very safe, where there is water, wood and flesh; and likewise Drake may haue corne of Maiz in a towne two or three leagues from the sayd hauen, which is called S. Vincente.

And because the course is by the Isles of Madera, the Canaries, and Cape verde, he may sacke those Islands, the time seruing him for that purpose.