Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 15.djvu/402

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These rockes are called Los Buffaderos, or the spoutes. certaine holes in rockes, which lye alongst as the rocks doe that cast vp the water, which will shew like to the spouting of Whales.

The point of Causedo. And a litle a head off that, you shall see the point of Andresa: and ahead thereof the poynt of Causedo.

San Domingo. This poynt of Causedo lyeth lowe close by the water, and passing thereby, the coast will make to thee Northwest and Southeast; and from thence to S. Domingo are 5. leagues.

Sierras de las minas viejas. And if the winde chop vp at North vpon you, by meanes whereof you should be cast off from the coast of Port, and that you happen to see the olde Mines (called Sierras de las minas viejas) beare Northwest off you, and The teates which are within the land be open of you, then shal you be North and South with the harbour; and if The old Mines beare North off you, then shall you be below the harbour.

Directions from Saint Domingo to Nueua Espanna.

The point of Nisao.

The Isle of Beata. If you will sayle from Saint Domingo in Hispaniola to Nueua Espanna, stirre away Southsouthwest, vntil you come vp as farre as the point of Niçao: and from thence stirre away Westsouthwest, and so you shall finde the Isle of Beata.


Puerto hermoso.

The Isle of Alto Velo. And if you saile from this point of Niçao for Ocoa, you must passe along the coast West and by North, vntill you come to Puerto Hermoso, or The beautifull hauen, which is 18. leagues distant from Saint Domingo: and if you proceede from Puerto Hermoso for Nueua Espanna, you must stirre away Southsouthwest, vntill you looke out for Beata and Alto velo.

Markes of the Isle of Beata.

Los Frailes. Beata is a small Island and not very high: you may passe along the outside thereof, and there is no danger but that you may see; and by and by you shall raise Alto velo: and from thence you must stirre away West and by South, to giue a birth from the Islands called Los Frailes, or The Friers.

Bacoa. And when you are as farre a head as the Frailes, then you must stirre away West and by North, and so shall you goe right with Bacoa, and before you come to it, you shall see high craggie cliffes, and at