Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 15.djvu/96

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*racts like Caroli, but that they are of greater distance one from another: where it falles into the sea, hils do inclose it on both sides. 10 Wia great. Maworia. Parammona, *Maohwipo.

                 Charib.        great.
                 Wiaco, Ch.
               [*Wisco ?]

10 The freshet shoots out into the sea, with great force: the sea doth here sometimes campe high, and breake, as it were full of rocks: but in proofe it is nothing els but the p*ride and force of the tydes. In this bay, and round about, so far as the mountaines do extend there is great store of Brasill wood, some of it bearing farre darker colour then other some. Here are also many sortes of other good woods. 11 Caiane g. Wisco. Ch. Canawi. g.

    Gowateri a                  Orinikero.     *Parawetteo.
    great iland. Shebaios.

12 Macuria. Piraos. Ch.

13 Cawroora. Arrawacos


14 Manmanuri. Ipaios. Ch.

14 These speake the language of the Indians of Dominica. They are but few, but very cruel to their enemies. For they bind, and eat them aliue peecemeale. This torment is not comparable to the deadly paine that commeth of hurts, or woundes, made by these arrowes that are inuenomed with the iuice of the herbe Wapototo. These Indians because they eate them whome they kill, vse no poyson. The sea coast is nowhere populous, for they haue much wasted themselues,in mutuall warres

15 Cur*cey. Shebaios.

16 Curassiwini. Shebaios. Musswara, Ocapanio.


17 Cunanama. Iaos. Waritappi, Carinamari.

                 Arwaccas.      great.        *Curipotoore.

18 Vracco. Arwaccas. Marwaba.

    Moruga.      Arwaccas.                    Eramacoa.

19 Mawari. Winicinas. Iwanama. Aranacoa.


20 Mawarpai. Arwaccas. Awaricana. *Mahahonero. <poem>