Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 16.djvu/255

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Los Pescadores. from thence, the next place where he touched was a porte vpon the coast of Peru called los Pescadores: and there hee landed, and in one of the fishermens houses found of a Spaniards three thousand pezos of siluer in little barres.

Arica in 18. deg. From hence he went to another port called Arica, which being the next towne to Chili that the Spaniards haue in all Peru, containeth an hundreth houses: and this is the porte where they discharge their merchandize that passe from Lima to Potossi, and to all other cities within the land, and likewise at this place they were woont to embarke all the siluer which they carried for Panama. At this port of Arica he found a ship that had in her thirteene thousand pezos of siluer, which hauing taken out, he burned the sayd ship, and after thought to haue landed, but seeing both horsemen and footemen on shore hee would not, but proceeded on his voyage. Since captaine Drake was at this porte they carie their siluer by land to Lima, and lade no more treasure here, but onely discharge the merchants goods that come from Spaine hither. Also they haue built a forte at this place for the better safety of the inhabitants, and haue planted it with ten pieces of Ordinance, and euery summer there lie in garison an hundred souldiers besides the townesmen.

Chuli. From hence he sayled to another porte called Chuli: in which port was a ship that had three hundred thousand pezos of siluer in barres: but they had sent horsemen from Arica to giue aduertizement of Drakes being on the coast, which newes came but two houres to the towne before his arriuall at the sayd porte: whereupon the Master of the shippe hauing no leisure to carie his siluer on shore, was forced to throwe it into the sea in sixe fadome water, where his ship road, and so to runne on shore in the shippes boate. And captaine Drake comming aboord the ship was told by an Indian, that the Master had throwen the siluer ouerboord. Wherfore seeing that newes began to run of him from towne to town he stayed not here, but ran along the coast: and because he would haue no lets, he cast off the ship which he had taken at Sant Iago, with neuer a man in her, which ship was neuer heard of after.

El Callao de Lima. And so without staying any where he shaped his course for Lima, and comming to the harborough of Lima called El Callao, being two leagues distant from Lima it selfe, for Lima standeth vp into the