Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 16.djvu/432

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CECIL (Cape), 59, 101.

CHAGRE (River), 255.

CHIANA (River), 102.

CHESTER (J.), 170.

CHILI, 417.

CIRCUMNAVIGATION, Sir Francis Drake's Voyage of, 408.

CONTENT (ship), 261.

COROS, 296.

CORTESSO (J.), 94.

CUBA, 155.

CUMANA, 290.

CURACOA, 147, 197.

DARIEN, 191.

DARLING (Ship), 58.

DAVIE (R.), His Account of Sir Amias Preston's Voyage to the West Indies, 278.

DELGADO (A.), 95.

DEVILS (Isle of). See Bermuda.

DISCOVERER (Ship), 58.

DOG (Ship), 256.

DOMINICA, 138, 172, 218, 289, 299, 350.

DOUGHTY (T.), Executed by Drake, 415.

DRAGON (Ship), 190.

DRAKE (Sir F.), Account of Lopez Vaz of Drake's Voyage to Darien, 190.
  —— Don A. Bacan's Opinion of, 204,
  —— His West Indian Voyage, by T. Cates, 208,
  —— List of Ships and Officers, 209,
  —— mentioned, 241,
  —— His last Voyage, 298,
  —— His death, 308,
  —— Spanish lies about, 330.
  —— His famous Voyage round the World, 408.
  —— His letter to John Winter. 447.

DUDLEY (Sir R.), His Voyage to Trinidad, 278.

EDEN (R.), 120.

EL DORADO, 42, 46, 47, 48.

ENCICA (M. F. de), His Account of the Amazon, 113.

FITZ-JAMES (J.), 182.

FLORIDA, visited by Sir J. Hawkins, 160.

FROBISHER (Martin), 209 to 239, passim.

GATES (Sir T.), 181.