Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 16.djvu/450

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VII. Advertisement touching the ships that go from Seville
to the West Indies 105

VIII. The order of the Carena given to ships that go from
Spain to the West Indies 139

IX. Order of examination of Masters and Pilots that go
between Spain and West Indies 144

X. Voyage of John Winter in consort with
Francis Drake to the South Sea (1577) 148

XI. Instructions given by the Lords of the
Counsell to Edward Fenton for the voyage
to the West Indies and Cathay (1582) 161

XII. Edward Fenton's voyage to the West
Indies, by M. Luke Ward (1582) 168

XIII. A discourse on the West Indies by
Lopez Vaz (1587) 214

XIV. A letter to Sir Robert Cecil, from Richard Hakluyt 269

XV. Letter of Sousa Tanares to Don John Duke of Anciro 272

XVI. A treatise on ancient and modern discoveries
of the world by Antonio Galvano 275

Sub-section 1 The first discoveries of the Spaniards, with
  continuation of the discoveries of the Portugals 305

XVII. Charter granted by Edward IV. 369

XVIII. Indices to Vols. XII., XIII., XIV., XV., XVI. 376

XIX. Tables of Contents to Vols. XIV., XV., XVI. 417

XX. List of Subscribers 427