Page:The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries of the English nation 16.djvu/65

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Item, To the Northwards of Cape Frio, about 6 or 7 leagues, you shall haue many small islands.

Item, To the Northwards of the cape 6. leagues, you shall haue two small islands one mile distant the one from the other, and they are distant from the maine fiue leagues. And betweene those ilands and the cape you shall haue very many islands hard aboord the maine.

Item, The cape bearing West two leagues off, you shall haue 55 fadoms oaze. Also you shall know when you are shot about the cape vnto the Southwards, by deeping of the water.

Also if you will go for S. Sebastian from the cape, you must go West and South, and Westsouthwest among. And the distance from the cape vnto S. Sebastian is 50 leagues. And being shot into the bay anything near the shore, you shall have 24 fadoms all oazie.

And halling in for S. Sebastian, you shall know it by two little islands which be round: and those ilands lie from the iland of S. Sebastian next hand East and by South; and are distant the one from the other about foure leagues.

Also off the Southermost end of S. Sebastian, there lieth one iland about 6 leagues off; which island is called the Alcatrarza, and there lie foure little islands about it. Also you may know it by the trending of the land vnto the Southwards.

Item, If you will go in at the Nothermost end of S. Sebastian, you must take heed of a sand that lies on the Northeast part of the island: but you may be bolde to borrow on the iland: for the sand lieth on the maine side. Also you may anker on the Nothermost part of the iland in tenne fadoms; and the maine is distant from you where you shall ride two leagues off.

Item, if you will come in at the Southermost end of the iland of S. Sebastian, your course from the Alcatrarza is Southwest and Northeast, and their distance is 6 leagues the one from the other.

Item, Vnto the Southwards of the riuer of Plate, being in the latitude of 45 degrees and 60 leagues off the maine, you shall haue shoalding in 60 fadoms or 65 fadoms oazie sand: and then halling in for the shore Westsouthwest 16 leagues, you shall haue 50 fadoms oaze, and you shall haue faire shoalding all along.

Item, In the latitude of 47-1/3 you shall see about one mile in length, not passing one league off the shore, a ledge of broken ground, but no danger. Also you shall haue very faire shoalding