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the whole of the vast body of doctrines which Freud and his followers have now laid down. Much of this is in my opinion unproven, and erected upon an unsubstantial foundation. On the other hand, many of Freud’s fundamental principles are becoming more and more widely accepted, and the evidence in their favour is rapidly increasing. In the present volume I have endeavoured to introduce only those principles which have already acquired a satisfactory claim to recognition.

Among many other authorities to whose writings I have had recourse, Dr Jung of Zürich, Prof. Janet of Paris, Prof. Karl Pearson, and the late Prof. Krafft-Ebing must be specially mentioned. Lastly, I am very greatly indebted to Mr W. Trotter’s two papers on “Herd Instinct,” published in the Sociological Review for 1908 and 1909.

I have to thank Dr Edward Mapother for much valuable assistance in the preparation of the manuscript and the revising of the proofs.

Bernard Hart

Sept. 1912