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help it. How many points are you supposed to annex, anyway?"

"Thirteen or fourteen; fourteen if I'm in luck."

"How many do we have to have to win? Fifty-something, isn't it?"

"Fifty-four ties. Anything more than that wins. Arthur has it doped out that we're to get firsts in six events; both sprints, the high hurdles, the quarter-mile, the pole-vault and the shot-put, and enough seconds and thirds to give us sixty points."

"First place counts five and second place three——"

"And third place one. I don't remember just how Arthur arrives at his result, but he gets there somehow. It's going to be a good meet, anyhow, and I'm sorry you won't be here to see it."

"Maybe I shall be," responded Gordon pessimistically, "if Dick doesn't stop batting practice. I've only got two arms, and they won't swing many more times without dropping off! I'd like to see you run away from those Springdale chumps, too. I suppose you'll win that purple pennant the girls have put up."

"Don't know about that. I wouldn't object to having it. It's mighty good-looking, and purple goes well with my complexion."

"Complexion!" jibed Gordon. "You haven't