Page:The queen's museum, and other fanciful tales.djvu/44

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'All these things should make a very complete collection,' he said, 'and I think I have specimens of the various objects in my interminable vaults.' He then called his Weirds and, giving one of them the tablets, told him to go with his companions into the vaults and gather enough of the things therein mentioned to fill a large museum. In half an hour the Weirds returned and announced that the articles were ready in the great court-yard.

'Go, then,' said the magician, 'and assist these men to carry them to the Queen's museum.'

The Stranger then heartily thanked Alfrarmedj for the assistance he had given; and the band, accompanied by a number of Weirds, proceeded to carry the objects of interest to the Queen's museum. It was a strange procession. Half a dozen Weirds carried a stuffed mammoth, followed by