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The RAPE of the LOCK.
Seem'd to her Ear his winning Lips to lay,
And thus in Whiſpers ſaid, or ſeem'd to ſay.

Faireſt of Mortals, thou diſtinguiſh'd Care
Of thouſand bright Inhabitants of Air!
If e'er one Viſion touch'd thy infant Thought,
Of all the Nurſe and all the Prieſt have taught,
Of airy Elves by Moonlight Shadows ſeen,
The ſilver Token, and the circled Green,
Or Virgins viſited by Angel-Pow'rs,
With Golden Crowns and Wreaths of heav'nly Flow'rs,
Hear and believe! thy own Importance know,
Nor bound thy narrow views to Things below.
Some ſecret Truths from Learned Pride conceal'd,
To Maids alone and Children are reveal'd:
What tho' no Credit doubting Wits may give?
The Fair and Innocent ſhall ſtill believe.
Know then, unnumber'd Spirits round thee fly,
The light Militia of the lower Sky;

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