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The RAPE of the LOCK.
E'er felt ſuch Rage, Reſentment and Deſpair,
As Thou, ſad Virgin! for thy raviſh'd Hair.

For, that ſad moment, when the Sylphs withdrew,
And Ariel weeping from Belinda flew,
Umbriel, a dusky melancholy Spright,
As ever ſully'd the fair face of Light,
Down to the Central Earth, his proper Scene,
Repairs to ſearch the gloomy Cave of Spleen.

Swift on his ſooty Pinions flitts the Gnome,
And in a Vapour reach'd the diſmal Dome.
No cheerful Breeze this ſullen Region knows,
The dreaded Eaſt is all the Wind that blows.
Here, in a Grotto, ſheltred cloſe from Air,
And ſcreen'd in Shades from Day's deteſted Glare,
She ſighs for ever on her penſive Bed,
Pain at her ſide, and Languor at her Head.

Two Handmaids wait the Throne: Alike in Place,
But diff'ring far in Figure and in Face.