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The RAPE of the LOCK.
Now Lakes of liquid Gold, Elyſian Scenes,
And Cryſtal Domes, and Angels in Machines.

Unnumber'd Throngs on ev'ry ſide are ſeen
Of Bodies chang'd to various Forms by Spleen.
Here living Teapots ſtand, one Arm held out,
One bent; the Handle this, and that the Spout:
A Pipkin there like Homer's Tripod walks;
Here ſighs a Jar, and there a Gooſe-pye talks;
Men prove with Child, as pow'rful Fancy works,
And Maids turn'd Bottels, call aloud for Corks.

Safe paſt the Gnome thro' this fantaſtick Band,
A Branch of healing Spleenwort in his hand.
Then thus addreſt the Pow'r———Hail wayward Queen;
Who rule the Sex to Fifty from Fifteen,
Parent of Vapours and of Female Wit,
Who give th' Hyſteric or Poetic Fit,
On various Tempers act by various ways,
Make ſome take Phyſick, others ſcribble Plays;
